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Manual Lymphatic Drainage

For Massage Therapists Only


The most important clinical massage tool you can have to be prepared for anything

Lymphatic Drainage is well known in massage for cancer patients, post-surgical patients, and for its detoxifying ability. What is less known is that it is an invaluable tool in all therapies, whether for chronic conditions or in the management of injuries. This is because it is specific for decreasing edema.

Learning to recognize inflamed or edematous tissue and modifying therapy to manage it when it appears, gives the therapist an incredible ability to be able to work where others cannot, or where more aggressive therapies might even be contraindicated.


Aprender a reconocer el tejido inflamado o el tejido edematoso y  modificar la terapia para manejarlo cuando aparece, le dá al terapista una capacidad increíble para poder trabajar allí en donde otros no pueden, o donde terapias más agresivas podrían incluyso llegar a ser contraindicadas.

Three Levels of Lymphatic Drainage with the Chikly Institute


Lymphatic Drainage I

Learn to recognize inflamed tissue or edematous tissue and modify therapy to manage it when it appears. With this ability, you will be able to work on injuries, post-operative patients, people with obesity and systemic inflammation, such as fibromyalgia. It has both clinical and aesthetic applications.


Next date to be announced.


$650: Regular Price

$450: Repeater or Student*

* For the student price, only students of one of the following careers are considered: Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Chiropractor or Naturopathic Doctor. To qualify, you must bring evidence of study.


Prices subject to change


32 hours of continuing education approved by the PR Board of Massage Therapists


Lymphatic Drainage II

With this ability, you will be able to do "mapping," an evaluation that allows you to know in which direction the lymphatic system is running in areas affected by blows, bruises, surgeries, scars, liposuction, cancer, and many other conditions that change the natural map of the lymph. With this and other new techniques, our ability to work on inflammation increases dramatically.


August 30 to September 2, 2024


$650: Special Price

(Until July 16, 2024)

$850: Regular Price


32 hours of continuing education approved by the PR Board of Massage Therapists


Lymphatic Drainage III

If you thought you had seen it all, with this workshop you will enter the next level. You will be able to help resolve almost all types of chronic inflammation in the body... bursitis, tendonitis, trigger points, etc...

And the best part: Without causing pain! Directly managing the inflammation fluids.

Here we will learn how to drain the Muscles, Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, Periosteum, Scar Tissue, Eyes, Ears and more.

Only for people who have taken Lymphatic Drainage Level II


Next date to be announced.


$650 Regular price

$450 For repeaters


There is no discount for students.

Prices subject to change


32 hours of continuing education approved by the PR Board of Massage Therapists

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